
“Being good in Business is the most fascinating kind of art.

Making money is ART

and Working is Art

and Good Business is the Best Art.”

— Andy Warhol —








Art Mall Global offers a comprehensive marketing strategy that focuses on connecting collectors, investors, designers, decorators, curators, galleries, consultants and visual artist on a global scale through both utility of interactive global websites, and real time brick and mortar exhibitions and sales, for multi-platform use, as well as all Artistic Merchandise.

"Art Mall Global the place to bring Fine artists together with Fine buyers"

Art Mall Global is the one stop shop for all

your Original Artwork needs for home, office,

business or public spaces. When brokering

artwork through Art Mall Global, both buyers

and sellers will feel added prestige and

confidence not only in the products but also

in the reputation, provenance, and reliability

of our company.