My name is Mariyana Miletsova, born in Plovdiv ,Bulgaria.
I started my private Art lessons with the best art teachers in Bulgaria ,Hrisitna Stancheva, Mincho Panayotov , & Ahmed Chaushev when I was on 9 years old and studied with them for seven years. In 1995 I finished Desighn school at Plovdiv.
2009 was my First initiation of Reiki and started to heal and paint with fingers, my adventure went on for another 10 initiations in Karuna reiki, Izis Seichim, Vihre om energy and I got my Master’s degree from the universe. Most of my life I have been gifting my paintings and possibly they went into homes where people needed help and energy healing. My projects are different and more connected with the soul and my consciousness and the universe. Now I really like them and want to share my Gifts with the world. I wont stop creating until my last breath. Painting is my natural Therapy & it gives me so much peace. I have two sons so I am a proud Vegan mommy working on Forex by day & i enjoy the tender art life by night. My art reflects my vision of how this world could be a much better place & I am proud to be a part of the global #ArtHEALS / #ArtTherapy movement!!