End of Summer Contest 2019

ART Mall Global  Presents,

End of Summer Art Contest Entry Form

Email Deadline: Midnight, August 22, 2019. Complete this form and email to Curator@ArtMallGlobal.com

Include a good digital image of your submission. Please use one entry form per submission.
NOTE: Artwork limitations: There is no size limitation, however no artwork containing nude figures, political, violent, or sexual nature will be shown. Artists are asked to present their work in a professional manner with no visible staples unless that is part of the work. All artwork must be ready to hang ( Using D-rings and wires for 2D work) and for sale.

Entry Fee

This contest is open to all artists 18 years of age or older. All mediums are accepted. The entry fee is $25 per entry for members of the ArtMallGlobal Community, Basic Membership dues are $50 per calendar year. The entry fee is $40 per entry for non-members.

Each participant is allowed as many entries as they would like to enter. The top 4 pieces, as selected by our panel of judges, will be included in our website’s “Editor’s Top Artists Collection” area for 1 month starting on September 1st and the FIRST, SECOND, THIRD and FOURTH place winners will receive Special ArtMallGlobal Membership packages (Diamond, Platinum, Gold & Silver), a chance to Showcase at a Top Art Gallery, plus additional perks.
The panel of Jurors are Suzanne Buckland, Gina Welds-Hulse and Marc Gray, all prominent artists, curators, managers, collectors and dealers. See our website for related bios.
ArtMallGlobal will be responsible for all sale of artwork and will also be responsible for sales tax, however all finalists will be charged 50% commission on sales. Pricing will be determined by the artists along with our Management Team.

Artist’s Information:
Best phone number to reach you:
This information may be used for promotion

Entry: Name of Artwork_______________________________________________________________________
Dimensions (H X W)_______________________ Price___________________

I acknowledge that this artwork was created by me and I am the sole owner of this piece. I also agree to sell this artwork at market price. ArtMallGlobal will not insure the artwork and will not be responsible for any loss or damage.


Date: _____________________________

Featured dates will be from September 1-30.
First, Second, Third Prize winners and Honorable Mention will also get a free page on the website to display up to 30 original pieces for Free.
Additional prizes and Special Gifts will also be rewarded for First, Second and Third Place winners only.
All contestants must be 18 years of age or older. This contest is open to all artists in all mediums and sizes, 2D and 3D.
Jurors will choose the Top 20 finalists and then select the Final 4, by August 27, 2019 at which time the finalists will be contacted via the email address they have written on the entry. You must reply to win.